Removing Oil Stains from Car Rug

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Recently, I came across a Facebook post requesting a referral to a detailing company about removing oil stains from the carpet of their truck. Her husband had left a chainsaw in the backseat on the carpet and it had leaked.

You can see the post here below:
Removing oil stains

This was a particularly unique detailing request post, which made me want to create a blog post related to this topic on removing oil stains. Oil stains can be particularly tricky to remove and often times will not come out with common cleaners that can be picked up at the grocery or hardware store.

That’s why it’s important to hire a professional detailing company like Slick Mobile Detailing Service to remediate the oil stain with the proper removal products and tools. Here is an overview of our process and how we go about removing oil stains:

  1. First, we use a specialized oil-cutting product to break down the oil and make it easier to remove. This product is applied to the stain and allowed to sit for several minutes.
  2. Next, we use a stiff-bristled brush or a specialized tool to scrub the stain and lift it out of the carpet fibers. This step may need to be repeated several times to fully remove the stain.
  3. After the stain has been removed, we use a specialized cleaning solution to remove any remaining residue and to clean the carpet. This solution is typically a mild detergent that is safe for use on car/truck carpets.
  4. Finally, we may use a specialized protectant or sealant to protect the carpet and help prevent future stains. Ask us about our carpet protectant as an add-on service that will prevent stains like this from occurring in the future.

Removing oil stains Billings Montana
It’s important to note that removing oil stains can be difficult to remove and may require multiple attempts to completely remove the stain. It’s also important to use the right products and tools to avoid damaging the carpet. If you are facing a similar challenge as the woman in the social media post, call us at (406) 500-6181 or fill out our contact form located here.

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